Later, Josh ended up arrested for Multiple counts including trespassing where he is facing up to 3 years in prison.
In the summer of 2013 Nikkole hit media again when she announced she had a Stillbirth. Serveral reports spiraled after Nikkole's best friend Sam, came forth an revealed Nikkole was NOT pregnant and did not have a still birth. Other reports said that she sold her story about her stillbirth to get money but we wont go into details on that.
In 2014, Nikkole announced she was expecting another baby with her on and off again lover Ryan Rice. According to Nikkole, she is around 17 weeks pregnant and more than excited to find out what she is having in just a few weeks BUT that is all about to change BECAUSE..... Nikkole was arrested!

According to a source, Nikkole along with her friend Katelynn were arrested yesterday (1/30/2015) for Retail Fraud (shoplifting) in Monroe County, Michigan. The source was able to also tell us that she was later released. According to another source, Nikkole apparently is threatening to press charges on the cop whom arrested her for touching her while she is pregnant. Although we have not heard when exactly her court date will be, we do however know that Nikkole is still liable for her actions so to speak and she was not let off the handle on this one. Their are no details at this time but we will be the first to let you know!
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