Rumors have been circulating that MTV will have one final season of 16 and pregnant. As season 5 has just ended this past month, MTV has not spoke about their being a Teen Mom 4. According to an article, 16 and pregnant will likely be renewed for season 6 due to the ability to draw controversy.
Since the show first started, rates for Teen pregnancy has dropped. MTV feels as if the show discourages teens from getting pregnant.
More information was brought to us when a source was able to tell us that season 6 would be a little different this time around. Instead of having a casting call MTV will be looking for individuals who are expecting through parenting groups etc., like season 1 of 16 and pregnant.
Season 6 is likely to air next spring after the original Teen Moms come back for their debut.
More details coming soon!
If you have a tip email us:
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Teen Mom 2 Is Back
The girls are back with more of their stories to tell us.
We saw last week that things have defiantly changed since we last saw the girls of Teen Mom 2.
We saw Jenelle and Nathan having problems getting a long despite Jenelle being pregnant and the couple were happy to begin with that they were making a family together. However we saw that Nathan told Jenelle to have an abortion as they weren't in a stable relationship. Nathan also got charged with his 3rd DUI and we also saw Jenelle possibly having more jail time whilst pregnant.
We find out this season that Jenelle is having a baby boy, Kaiser and that her jail time is dropped. However Nathan has to do his jail time as soon as possible. We also get to see Jace and his reaction to having a baby brother.
This week we see Jenelle and Nathan argue about alcohol.
We also Leah had finally found out what the condition that her daughter Ali has after waiting for so long an answer was given. We know that Ali went into preschool before her twin in order to help her be on the same track as all of the other children. It was a tough season for Leah as she had to order a wheelchair for Ali for her to use, as well as raising another child Adalynn. It wasn't just tough enough that she had a new baby in the house Leah was also dealing with relationship problems with her husband, as he worked out of town Leah wanted him to be around more for their family.
We also saw Leah having to try and make time for Gracie as we all saw that Ali needs a lot of time to help her development, so with Gracie acting out Leah needed to make time for her.
We see that Ali knows what condition she has and it really hits home to Corey but even though he is processing with the wheelchair he still wants Ali to walk without it, and even says that Ali wants to walk, and not use it.
This week we see that Corey's insurance doesn't cover the cost for Ali's wheelchair.
Kailyn had once again had issues with Jo and the custody of their son Issac heavily pregnant and married to Javi we saw that Kailyn had to juggle time with Issac. But we also saw her moving into a house with her husband in order for them to be a family. This caused some problems as if the judge didn't agree to her moving them we would of saw Kailyn with both of her sons away from their dads. We got to see the arrival of Lincoln last season and Issac becoming a big brother and walking his mom down the isle. This was a very happy and heart warming episode.
We see Issac not wanting to go to Jo's and that Kailyn and Javi have their problems within their marriage.
But we also see them come to terms and try to sort it out.
This week we see Kailyn invite Jo and Vee to Issac's birthday party.
Chelsea had her fair share to deal with as well. Adam had another baby and she didn't want Aubree to have a sister, and we know that she always wanted Aubree to have a family which was together, but she knew that it couldn't happen. So Chelsea had to find a way to cope with Adam's new baby. But on the plus side Chelsea graduated school and got herself a job doing what she loves to do, and the last we saw she was taking a test in order for her to be able to do more beauty work on clients.
But once again Adam had drama with crashing his car that had flipped and caught on fire the crash was so serious that it made the news.
Catching up we see Chelsea buying her own home so now her and Aubree can have a stable home and more money now instead of spending money on rent.
We also see the Chelsea's Licence is being held back due to helping out unpaid at an event and now she has to prove that she did not get paid for it.
This week we see Chelsea trying to get her licence.
Geordie Shore is back with more Drama
Geordie Shore is back with a bang and there seems to be more drama than before.
As we all know Season 7 had it's fair share of drama, with Vicky and Sophie haven't to leave the house due to a situation at a club.
Well it seems the VIP Geordie girl Vicky is back, and we can't wait to see what she gets up to in the house and it seems that she is tashing on once more.
Charlotte left on a dramatic exit of the house last season, but we can all say that she did need to sort her relationship with Mitch out, who can't say that they have taken a step back from everyone to sort their relationship out.
All I hope for is that her and Holly can be mates again and the girls can get a long.
Then we have the new lad Aaron in the house or as James would describe him as a colouring book and it seems that he is very interested in Holly, and he may have competition with Scott.
But the one thing that we all saw on the first episode was the Marine and Gaz drama and it may seem that Gaz is getting himself into something too deep, as at the end of the episode we all saw how hurt or maybe even upset he was with Marine.
But I guess we will all have to wait and see what happens next.
Charlotte though has revealed that this season will be caught out, after winning Big Brother Charlotte reveals this and apparently it is not hard to tell who it is.
Any bets anyone?
Is it Gaz? Holly? Scott? Vicky? James? Aaron? Marine? Or the new boy Kyle?
I guess this season will be full of mortalness, arguments and of course drama but we love them all and can't wait to see what happens next.
Read Charlotte's interview here.

Geordie Shore Tuesdays at 10pm
As we all know Season 7 had it's fair share of drama, with Vicky and Sophie haven't to leave the house due to a situation at a club.
Well it seems the VIP Geordie girl Vicky is back, and we can't wait to see what she gets up to in the house and it seems that she is tashing on once more.
Charlotte left on a dramatic exit of the house last season, but we can all say that she did need to sort her relationship with Mitch out, who can't say that they have taken a step back from everyone to sort their relationship out.
All I hope for is that her and Holly can be mates again and the girls can get a long.
Then we have the new lad Aaron in the house or as James would describe him as a colouring book and it seems that he is very interested in Holly, and he may have competition with Scott.
But the one thing that we all saw on the first episode was the Marine and Gaz drama and it may seem that Gaz is getting himself into something too deep, as at the end of the episode we all saw how hurt or maybe even upset he was with Marine.
But I guess we will all have to wait and see what happens next.
Charlotte though has revealed that this season will be caught out, after winning Big Brother Charlotte reveals this and apparently it is not hard to tell who it is.
Any bets anyone?
Is it Gaz? Holly? Scott? Vicky? James? Aaron? Marine? Or the new boy Kyle?
I guess this season will be full of mortalness, arguments and of course drama but we love them all and can't wait to see what happens next.
Read Charlotte's interview here.
Geordie Shore Tuesdays at 10pm
Monday, July 14, 2014
Teen Mom stars team up to help girl with Cancer!

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Catelynn and Amelie |
Amelie is a 3 year old little girl that is currently battling a rare form of brain cancer called Medullablastoma. Amelie has already underwent two surgeries and 14 rounds of chemotherapy since she was first diagnosed in 2012.
In honor of this little girl, these two MTV reality stars met up in Mt. Brighton Michigan for a meet and greet along with a book signing from Kailyn's book "Pride over pity".
MTV Camera's were there to witness the whole thing. Will this all be on the upcoming Original Teen Mom? We sure hope so!
Its very rare for MTV to allow the moms to film together but for it being a good cause I'm sure MTV let it slide.

Please help this little girl raise money for future surgeries, Chemotherapy and much more. Anything at all goes a long way! To help or learn more about making a donation, Click HERE.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Who was evicted from the Big Brother house tonight?
Titled the most twisted season ever, Big Brother has made a record breaking hit on CBS this season.
On tonight's episode, Zach and Paola were the two nominees to be evicted. Both Zach and Paola decide to call Devin out on the things he had promised and/or said.
While Brittany confronts Paola on why she had said that she was her target in last nights Power of Veto, Paola decided to come forward an explain what happened.

Devin told Paola to throw away the game (The Block Challenge), an promised her that she wouldn't be put out of the house this week. Zach decided to put his two cents in by adding the way Devin has been treating people.
Zach told Devin that some of the "Alliance" is on his side an took it to far by dragging a few other housemates into the drama. Frankie confronts Zach an tells him he no longer trusts him because of the things Zach told Devin about people in the "Alliance" wanting him gone.
While all of this drama is going on, Devin decided he wanted to kick Zach out of the Bomb Squad and replace his spot with another member of the house. Devin decided to bring Hayden in to replace Zach but Hayden seemed a little shocked.
Devin calls for one last meeting as HOH to find out what his alliance thinks about the voting for tonight. While he has his mind on getting Zach voted out due to Zach telling him the truth about him telling others he wanted him gone, the other members think that its in the houses best interest to get Paola evicted. The house thinks that if Zach stays, he only has one target, Devin, as for Paola if she stayed she has multiple targets an no one knows what she is truly capable of. As the house prepares to vote for whom will be evicted, the nominees were given the chance to give a speech about why they should be kept in the house. By a 10-2 vote, Paola was evicted from the Big Brother house.

It finally came time for 2 new Head of households. Everyone (Excluding Devin), participated in a challenge called "Underwater Polo". In this challenge, the house guests are to hit a ball (Kind of like Croquet) an make it in to a slot that has a number. Whoever makes a ball into the highest number will be this weeks HOH.
Nicole and Derrick were crowned this weeks HOH but only one will continue to be the HOH for the week Find out this Sunday 8/7c on CBS!
BB16 Recap

Caleb decided to confront Devin on his attitude lately. Caleb said that he feels as if Devin is attacking the girls an he is not okay with that. Devin was angry at the fact Caleb (His BFF) would say something like that an calls off the Alliance they had.
Later on, Caleb decided he would apologize to Devin for the way things went and that he doesn't want to mess up their Alliance therefore, the alliance is back up and going.
#TeamAmerica |
Donny, Frankie and Derrick will work together as a secret alliance throughout the house on different tasks each week.
Sadly tonight, things took a turn for the worst. While Caleb and Devin had their conversation about who should be evicted, Caleb informs Devin that some of the Alliance members want him out of the house.
When Devin brings in the Alliance for a meeting, he brings up what Caleb had told him an asks if anyone wanted to come forward to tell him who wanted him out.
Zach decided to inform Devin that he had said some thing's about wanting Devin out of the house. Devin instantly lost all trust in Zach an told him that he didn't trust him anymore.
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The Big Brother Galaxy |
Since Devin won he now has a tough decision to make. Devin talks to Brittany about him wanting her out of the house. While they were talking Brittany told Devin she just wants a parent to win because they are not just at the house for themselves but for their children as well which made Devin change his views on Brittany fast.
Devin decided he would be honest with Brittany about the scheme he played on her. When Devin told Brittany that Paola threw away the battle of the block for her safety that made Brittany upset with Paola.
At the power of veto meeting, Devin uses the power of veto on Brittany. Devin now has to nominate someone else up for eviction and he nominated Zach since he wanted Devin out of the house.
Who do you think will be evicted? Zach or Paola. Let us know in the comments below.
Monday, July 7, 2014
16 & Pregnant Reunion Show Too Short?
Whilst watching the 16 and Pregnant Reunion Show I found that it seemed very rushed, to the point where some of the girls didn't get a chance to speak much at all.
Compared to other reunion shows where all of the teen moms had a lot to say and where given the opportunity to explain what was going on.
We only heard a little bit about what had happen to Dale, as he seemed to be doing well in the episode of wanting to be around his child.
From the reunion we found out that he didn't really want to be around much, but we only heard one side, and I know I would of wanted to hear more from both sides.
Why did we have a short amount of time to catch up with the girls and their baby dads?
Compared to other reunion shows where all of the teen moms had a lot to say and where given the opportunity to explain what was going on.
We only heard a little bit about what had happen to Dale, as he seemed to be doing well in the episode of wanting to be around his child.
From the reunion we found out that he didn't really want to be around much, but we only heard one side, and I know I would of wanted to hear more from both sides.
Why did we have a short amount of time to catch up with the girls and their baby dads?
Big Brother 16 Recap
On tonight's episode of BB16, The house became a little nervous that Devin was HOH. The house feel as if Devin will try to boss everyone around so that he will be the winner.
Devin and Amber are introduced to their Head Of Household rooms when Devin finds the picture of him and his daughter his whole plan suddenly changes. He is there to win that money for his daughter an he promised his family he would be truthful his whole journey.
As HOH Devin begins to feel guilty for thinking differently about Donny in the beginning an decides to tell Donny the truth. Donny tells Devin he understands and appreciates him coming an saying it to his face. Devin decides he is going to have a heart to heart conversation with the whole house about how he ha judged before hand. The one thing that caused a little bit of an uproar was when Devin told the house about him going to Caleb and Frankie about Donny's actions, that left the house confused because according to Caleb and Frankie, they nominated people for eviction if they lost the challenges the house faced each week.
Not only did Frankie and a few others crush over Cody at the beginning of the show or Caleb crush over Amber but another member of the house has admitted to having a crush on another house member.
Hayden feels as if he is in the 7th grade all over again with the way he is crushing on Nicole. What makes it even more shocking is that Nicole feels the same way and also feels as if she could work with Hayden throughout the journey.
Not only is Christine in an alliance with a few other members of the house, but Nicole and Christine come up with the crazy idea to start their own "Secret" Alliance and invite Hayden to join in. Christine feels as if this could either A. Be a good thing or B. She may end up getting caught and ruining her chance.

While everyone else is creating their little love triangles, Zach and Frankie have created the biggest bromance in BB history. "Zankie" cuddles together, dances together everything.
While Zach came into the house completely humiliating Frankie about his Broadway dancing it turns out Zach has a soft heart for Frankie after all. Not only did Zankie create a bromance but Devin and Caleb created one as well. I personally think its kind of interesting myself.
As the house prepared for the block challenge, Amber and Devin discuss whom they think they should choose to be up on the block this week. Amber decided to nominate Hayden and Christine while Devin nominated Brittany and Paola.
Derrick announced to the house that it was time for the block challenge titled "We did what". In this challenge Amber's nominees and Devin's nominees battle against each other with a quick trivia. Which ever team wins is safe and the person who nominated them for eviction will be the only remaining HOH for the week. At the end of the challenge Devin remains the only HOH an that kicks Amber out of her HOH spot. Devin is making it his goal to get Brittany evicted from the house this week.
Who do you think will end up evicted? Paola or Brittany? Tune in Wednesday 8/7c to find out!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Matt McCann missed his court date but why?
Matt McCann was first seen on MTV's 16 and pregnant over 3 years ago. Over the years, he has struggled with addiction and drama with his Ex girlfriend Alex, who also happens to be the mother of his daughter Arabella.
What most people do not know is that Matt, has been clean for over a year and a half. Matt also makes an effort to see Arabella every chance he gets, but one little thing is making it even harder for him to see Arabella.
On June 1, 2014, it was reported that Matt had missed his Court hearing. Matt had filed contempt with modification towards Alex, meaning he wants more visitation with Arabella. It was reported that not only did Matt miss his court date but the reason he missed was because he was vacationing in Tennessee with his girlfriend. Alex took to twitter about how Matt had missed his court date. Matt is now set to be back in court in just a few weeks in what Alex is referring to as a Child support case that Matt had filed for.
The real truth behind all of this is that Matt was NOT on vacation. The truth is, back in December Matt and Lekota became alarmed because of things Matt's mother was telling them about Matt's nephews, So they contacted DHS and they have been in contact with them. A few weeks ago his sister was arrested for driving without a license and she was put on probation. Matt and Lekota were making plans to go down and get the boys but Matt's mom bailed his sister out. Last week, his sister was arrested again and this time the oldest child Petey was with her. DHS was going to get involved and take the boys if they didn't rush down there, So that's what Matt did. Matt's mom refused to bail his sister out and she plead not guilty so she has to sit in jail till September till she has another hearing. The boys have been seriously neglected by their mother and mentally abused by what they have witnessed and endured because of her. Matt's mom filed for emergency custody and they got it. Then Matt, Lekota and Matt's mother had a court hearing the other day and the boys were placed with the youngest boys paternal grandparents until August and then they will once again head down there for another hearing in hopes they will gain custody of the boys.
Fans of the show were once again outraged when they heard that Matt never showed up for his court date and began take to social media about it. Not only were fans outraged but so was Alex.
Alex posted to twitter about how she couldn't stand Matt and how Arabella throws a fit every time she tries to talk to Matt. She also posted a few things about how she couldn't believe he missed his court date. Fans then posted to her Ask account about how he didn't show. Alex then told one fan that she agrees that it was a family Emergency he had to tend to and that she understood why he did it.
Although Matt had a family Emergency in a different state, Matt has spoke with the master at the courthouse an they could have another hearing for the contempt charges and the child support as early as next week. Both cases were filed by Matt himself.
Who was voted off of BB16?
As the house prepares for the first eviction on this season, The house begins to scramble to find any safe point in the house an keep from being nominated. Sadly, this week Paola and Joey were nominated for eviction. As HOH, Caleb and his Alliance find out that Joey has made an "All girl" Alliance, which was a huge no no for Caleb.
As the house prepares to vote, Joey decides to dress up as a male named "Alex", whom she created while on the show, to go around telling all the house mates that they shouldn't be afraid to vote for who they really want and that they shouldn't have to vote for the same person everyone else is voting for. Joey felt that she may be able to open some of their eyes in hopes she will be able to save her spot when it came time for the voting. Although her words may have been strong to some, Joey was evicted from the Big Brother house making her the first person to be voted off this season.
Watch the eviction here

4 house guests will be nominated to be on the block this Sunday 8/7c. Don't forget to watch Big Brother Sunday's and Wednesday's 8/7c and Thursday's 9/8c on CBS. Watch a preview for Sunday's episode here!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
16 and pregnant star expecting AGAIN!

Izabella Tovar was first introduced on 16 and pregnant as a young 16 year old from Utah. Izabella was born to a Mexican father and 1/2 Danish, 1/2 Caucasian mother.
When Izabella found out she was pregnant with her son Enrique (Henry), She tried to hide the pregnancy. She definitely succeeded because none of her friends knew she was expecting till she was almost 8 months pregnant!!

Izabella gave birth to Enrique Jairo Tovar in September 2010. Jairo and Izabella both live at home with Izabella's parents. Enrique will be 4 this September. Since Izabella's father is Mexican, Spanish is a very fluent language for him. Although Izabella doesn't speak Spanish, she still understands the language. Izabella's father and Jairo, Henry's father, wanted to speak to Enrique (Henry) in Spanish that way he would be bilingual with both languages.
On July 2, 2014, Izabella posted on Instagram announcing that they were expecting.
I want to make clear that this pregnancy has been planned for years. Ever since Henry was born Jairo and I decided that we wanted our kids to be 4-5 years apart. Then in October of 2013 I was having complications with my IUD and it was taken out. Jairo and I then began talking about trying for another one. So, in February 2014 I became pregnant! We are THRILLED to announce that we are expecting our second bundle of joy in November of 2014. We are not sharing the gender or the name at this time. Please if you don't support our decision to have another child, or if you have anything negative to say at all I ask that you unfollow me. I do not respond to negative feedback, I simply erase it and block the negative people. To those of you that support my family and me, I thank you. I hope you enjoy following my pregnancy journey! Sharing my pregnancy publicly is a new experience for me as you may know. I kept my first pregnancy a secret for 8 months. So I truly appreciate all the love and support I receive. Thank you in advance for your kind words."
We certainly wish them all the best with their pregnancy!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
"16 And Pregnant" Reunion
As we have been waiting for the reunion of the new season of 16 And Pregnant it seems it may get a little heated, especially between Arianna and Maurice.
You may remember Arianna from her episode this season.
The girl with the brightly coloured hair who had her fair share of baby daddy drama this season. Especially when it came down to having help.
This girl had to deal with the cost of her son on her own for most of the episode that we saw. On the one or two occasions we see Maurice bring some clothes for their son, however that discussion didn't seem to end well.
But we did see Maurice step up by getting a job to provide for his son, however from this clip from MTV it doesn't seem that he has step up at all.
From this clip you can clearly see that a lot arguments have occurred and that Maurice isn't taking this seriously.
Personally Arianna is doing what she believes is the best thing for her son, and not engaging in a confrontation with Maurice is the best thing to do.
I hope that Maurice does takes things serious as we have seen with previous 16 And Pregnant Dads that they then end up causing more problems.
For example Adam has caused a lot of problems and it seemed that he wasn't interested in his daughter's life, and he still continues to make mistakes.
I hope for Aiden's sake Maurice takes it more seriously and proves that he is providing for his son, otherwise he may not see him.
How can he expect to get custody of his child if no effort is put in, and why should Aiden suffer, he may end up resenting Maurice for not putting the effort in.
I saw Maurice stop acting like a child and be a man, because your son deserves it.
I am also interested in the other girls from this Season and if any problems occurred a long the way.
Stay tuned tonight it airs at 10/9c Tuesday.

Monday, June 30, 2014
Jenelle gives birth!
As Jenelle's due date came and went, many people were curious as to when in fact Jenelle would give birth.
Jenelle tweets, "Rumor has it I had Kai and he's in detox and I can't go home until he is ok? Lmfao wow, the shit u guys make up. If u only knew." Jenelle left many fans scrambling to figure out if she had the baby or if she was in labor.
A fan asked Jenelle if she was being induced or if that was also a rumor. When Jenelle replied with "Def a rumor lol".
Jenelle informed us that she was at the beach this morning but later revealed they were not at the beach, she was in the hospital having Kaiser. About dag on time she pops that baby out!
Nathan shared this picture on twitter stating, "And you all thought we were at the beach".
Congratulations to Nathan, Jenelle and Jace.
*We will provide more details soon*
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Who is up for eviction.....Big Brother 16
Donny, Pal Pal Victoria & Brittany are up for eviction.. Who will win the power of Veto..Victoria is upset because Frankie told her from the start he needed her..Lets see who wins the power of Veto...Pal Pal & Donny are fighting for each other.
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