On tonight's episode of BB16, The house became a little nervous that Devin was HOH. The house feel as if Devin will try to boss everyone around so that he will be the winner.
Devin and Amber are introduced to their Head Of Household rooms when Devin finds the picture of him and his daughter his whole plan suddenly changes. He is there to win that money for his daughter an he promised his family he would be truthful his whole journey.
As HOH Devin begins to feel guilty for thinking differently about Donny in the beginning an decides to tell Donny the truth. Donny tells Devin he understands and appreciates him coming an saying it to his face. Devin decides he is going to have a heart to heart conversation with the whole house about how he ha judged before hand. The one thing that caused a little bit of an uproar was when Devin told the house about him going to Caleb and Frankie about Donny's actions, that left the house confused because according to Caleb and Frankie, they nominated people for eviction if they lost the challenges the house faced each week.
Not only did Frankie and a few others crush over Cody at the beginning of the show or Caleb crush over Amber but another member of the house has admitted to having a crush on another house member.
Hayden feels as if he is in the 7th grade all over again with the way he is crushing on Nicole. What makes it even more shocking is that Nicole feels the same way and also feels as if she could work with Hayden throughout the journey.
Not only is Christine in an alliance with a few other members of the house, but Nicole and Christine come up with the crazy idea to start their own "Secret" Alliance and invite Hayden to join in. Christine feels as if this could either A. Be a good thing or B. She may end up getting caught and ruining her chance.

While everyone else is creating their little love triangles, Zach and Frankie have created the biggest bromance in BB history. "Zankie" cuddles together, dances together everything.
While Zach came into the house completely humiliating Frankie about his Broadway dancing it turns out Zach has a soft heart for Frankie after all. Not only did Zankie create a bromance but Devin and Caleb created one as well. I personally think its kind of interesting myself.
As the house prepared for the block challenge, Amber and Devin discuss whom they think they should choose to be up on the block this week. Amber decided to nominate Hayden and Christine while Devin nominated Brittany and Paola.
Derrick announced to the house that it was time for the block challenge titled "We did what". In this challenge Amber's nominees and Devin's nominees battle against each other with a quick trivia. Which ever team wins is safe and the person who nominated them for eviction will be the only remaining HOH for the week. At the end of the challenge Devin remains the only HOH an that kicks Amber out of her HOH spot. Devin is making it his goal to get Brittany evicted from the house this week.
Who do you think will end up evicted? Paola or Brittany? Tune in Wednesday 8/7c to find out!
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